Rudraksh Malas : Helps for keeping the body and mind cool. It develops the concenteration. It helps to check eisnophiliya. It works very powerfully for (B.P)- Blood pressure. It checks both the high and low blood pressure. It combination use with spatik it gets more powerful and is the most powerful medecine for HEART-ATTACK and SUGAR. It reduces allergies in the skin. It helps for ulcers, itching, heat,asthama, other breathing problems etc. It is also used for japa purposes also. It is a favourite of Lord Shiva, Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Gayatri.
The word “Rudra” means Lord Shankar. It is used for japa & wearing purposes. Japa for all Lords, Goddess & tamsik also done.Available in many sizes from Amla to Pepper size in best quality only.